Deep Throat Penetrators
Are you as sick and tired as me of waiting for GW to make some new Genestealer models? Well, I finally did something about it and present to you the Deep Throat Penetrators.
These ultra hi-res models are based off the classic design but given a full detail make-over to bring them up to snuff with current model aesthetics AND to minimise the jar-of-monkey effect of that single old-skool wide arm pose. Better still (in my mind at least) is you can now clump them up tighter making it easier to both hide them and maximise the number of models in combat at any one time. Your opponents will not like the sound of that!!
In the package you will receive 10 different poses for your Genestealers which if you mirror in your slicer will give you a whopping 20 variants for less a big bottle of Agrax Earthshade now seems to be going for!
Models come in unsupported and pre-supported formats and I can confirm test printing on my Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k with great results (see photos of primed models above).
Some of the details are a little delicate like the ovipositors (tongues) and claws, however with a bit of filing or creative licence you can bring them back into line or show off some battle scars with no issues.